Favicon FAQ

Can I have both a favicon.ico and a favicon.png in the root of my domain?

It's better to provide only favicon.ico and not favicon.png, because:

Is it true that favicons should be in the site root?

No, that's only if you don't explicitly specify the browser/device-specific <link> tags with a favicon path.

If you don't have favicon.ico in the root consider adding one, or returning a HTTP 204 instead. Many tools and services e.g. bookmarking sites, feed readers, web crawlers etc., request a favicon.ico from the site root, and so recieve a HTTP 404 if it's not present. In the worst case some frameworks will return a custom error page which is likely to be many times larger than the missing favicon.

Is it true that the PNG must be named favicon.png?

No, a PNG favicon can be named favicon.ico.

Is it true that the ico has to be named favicon.ico?

If you don't explicitly specify its <link> tag, yes. Explicitness is best, so we both name it favicon.ico and explicitly specify the <link> tag.

Why not prefix with "apple-touch-icon"?

If you don't specify <link> tags, iOS looks for files prefixed with apple-touch-icon or apple-touch-icon-precomposed. Many (e.g. HTML5 Boilerplate) rely on this assumption, but:

Why use iOS precomposed icons?

Why absolute paths?

Some Firefox versions require absolute paths. Since all browsers support them, it's the simplest choice.

Why not append a query string to force-refresh for all visitors?

Some proxies and load balancers can fail to read query strings in edge cases.


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